This premium, hand-made line of cigars is produced by Dion Giolito, who coined the term "small batch" to us in relation to making cigars that can maintain a level of quality and consistency deserving of the true connoisseur.
As Dion set out to re-create a cigar with a taste profile from long ago in Nicaragua, this line fits our mission of bringing you cigars that represent "The New Havana" in terms of bringing you the best cigars from every region. Using the flavors and strength of Nicaraguan cigars past, Dion blended the line using tobacco produced by a team of growers who took the fields of the Jalapa Valley and Esteli region of Nicaraguan and started producing tobacco that rivals the best of the Nicaraguan tradition.
Using tobacco from first generation Corojo '99 and Criollo '98 seeds and Cafe Colorado wrapper leaf, these cigars are beautifully constructed and are finished with a cuban style triple cap.
Made at the Raices Cubanas factory in Honduras from 100% Nicaraguan tobacco.
en Nicaragua" is shown on the bottom of the hinged cabinet boxes which
"entomb" the cigars, wrapped in heavy paper for travel and aging. All of the tobacco is aged for about 3 years before they're rolled and
"entombed" as noted by the word "Sepulto" in the date code on every box.
Powerful, yet balanced and flavorful - with flawless construction, the
entire line was recently reviewed by Cigar Insider with only 1 of 9
cigars scoring less than 90 points. (and that was an 89)
Available in 9 traditional sizes to suit just about any taste, as well as the special Culebra size 2/3, "3 in 1".